National Courses

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Graziottin A.
Mestruazione, infiammazione e comorbilità, dopo i 40 anni (Menstruation, inflammation and comorbidity after 40 years)
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Graziottin A.
La fibromatosi uterina: Il ruolo della terapia medica (Uterine fibromatosis: the role of medical therapy)
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Graziottin A.
Artrosi aggressiva: diagnosi e prospettive terapeutiche (Aggressive osteoarthritis: diagnosis and therapeutic perspectives)
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Graziottin A.
Ruolo degli ormoni maschili in terapia sostitutiva: quando, a chi e perché (Role of male hormones in substitution therapy: when, to whom and why)
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Graziottin A.
Introduzione della lettura magistrale della professoressa Giovannella Baggio su "Salute cardiovascolare: fattori di rischio emergenti e tradizionali nella donna" (Introduction of the state of the art lecture of professor Giovannella Baggio on "Cardiovascular health: emerging and traditional risk factors in women")
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Biggio G. Graziottin A. Sirito R.
Discussione generale e conclusioni (General discussion and conclusions)
CME Course on "The woman aged 40 and over: health projects", organized by the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Npo, Milano, Italy, May 24, 2019
Graziottin A.
La menopausa nelle sue diverse fasi: il ruolo del farmacista (Menopause in its various phases: the role of the pharmacist)
CME Course on "Menopause: classification, symptoms and therapies. How to optimize pharmacy advice", Vicenza, Italy, May 22, 2019
Graziottin A.
Focus sui trattamenti non ormonali: quali sono, come funzionano (Focus on non-hormonal treatments: what they are, how they work)
CME Course on "Menopause: classification, symptoms and therapies. How to optimize pharmacy advice", Vicenza, Italy, May 22, 2019
Graziottin A.
Atrofia vulvo-vaginale (The vulvo-vaginal atrophy)
CME Course on "Menopause: classification, symptoms and therapies. How to optimize pharmacy advice", Vicenza, Italy, May 22, 2019
Graziottin A.
Eros, Philia e Agape: le metamorfosi dell'intimità (Eros, Philia and Agape: the metamorphosis of intimacy)
State of the art lecture
IX Interactive Course on Obstetrics and Gynecology, Capri, Italy, May 9-11, 2019
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