Peer-reviewed Papers

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Graziottin A.
La percezione del dolore pelvico cronico nella donna: fattori predittivi e implicazioni cliniche (Perception of chronic pelvic pain in women: predictors and clinical implications)
Urologia. 2008 April-June;75(1):67-72.

Available documents:Full text of the article

Bertolasi L. Frasson E. Graziottin A.
Botulinum toxin treatment of pelvic floor disorders and genital pain in women
Current Women’s Health Reviews, 2008, 4, 185-192

Available documents:Full text of the article

Bertolasi L. Frasson E. Bottanelli M. Vicentini S. Didonè G. Graziottin A.
Coexisting idiopathic cervical dystonia and primary vaginismus: a case report
Journal of Neurology 2008 Mar; 255 (3): 443-5

Available documents:Full text of the article

Graziottin A.
Dyspareunia and vaginismus: review of the literature and treatment
Current Sexual Health Reports, Vol. 5, Issue 1: March 2008, p. 43-50
Bitzer J. Kenemans P. Mueck A.O. FSDeducation Group (including Graziottin A.)
Breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women using testosterone in combination with hormone replacement therapy
Maturitas, 2008 Mar 20; 59 (3): 209-18

Available documents:Full text of the article

Alexander J.L. Dennerstein L. Woods N.F. Halbreich U. Kotz K. Richardson G. Graziottin A. Sherman J.J.
Arthralgias, bodily aches and pains and somatic complaints in midlife women: etiology, pathophysiology and differential diagnosis
Expert Rev. Neurotherapeutics, 2007 Nov; 7 (11 Suppl): S15-26

Available documents:Full text of the article

Guay A.T. Traish A. Goldstein I. Spark R. Munarriz R. Buvat J. Shapsigh R. Miner M. Nappi R. Graziottin A. Caruso S. Aversa A. Nachtigall L. Simon J. Jannini E.
E-Letter to the Editor: A Different Perspective on Androgen Therapy In Women
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Graziottin A. Rovei V.
Sexuality after breast cancer
Incrocci L. (Guest Ed.), Cancer and sexual function, Sexologies, European Journal of Sexual Health, 16 (2007), 292-298

Available documents:Full text of the article

Peters K.M. Killinger K.A. Carrico D.J. Ibrahim I.A. Diokno A.C. Graziottin A.
Sexual function and sexual distress in women with interstitial cystitis: a case control study
Urology 70 (3), 2007, 543-547

Available documents:Full text of the article

Traish A. Guay A.T. Spark R.F. and the Testosterone Therapy in Women Study Group (including Graziottin A.)
Are the Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines on androgen therapy in women misguided? A Commentary
J. Sex. Med. 2007; 4: 1223–1235

Available documents:Full text of the article

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