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Graziottin A.
Testosterone substitution in women
Norvegian National Congress of Obstetricians and Urologists, Oslo, Norway, November 4, 2006, Abstract Book, p. 24

Available documents:Abstract text

Graziottin A.
Androgènes et régulation de la réponse sexuelle féminine
Huitièmes Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Gynécologie, Paris, France, October 12-14, 2006, Abstract Book, p. 93

Available documents:Abstract text

Graziottin A.
Breast cancer and sexual function
The First Rotterdam Symposium on Cancer and Sexuality on "Oncosexology: a new discipline?", Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, supported by the International Society for Sexuality and Cancer (ISSC), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 11, 2006, Abstract Book
Kenneth M.P. Carrico D.J. Graziottin A. Ibrahim I.A. Estanol M.C. Killinger K.A. Diokno A.C.
Abuse is more prevalent in women with Interstitial Cystitis compared to a control population
American Urological Association (AUA)'s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20-25, 2006, Abstract Book
Kenneth M.P. Graziottin A. Carrico D.J. Ibrahim I.A. Estanol M.C. Killinger K.A. Diokno A.C.
Sexual Dysfunction: A major impact on women with interstitial cystitis
American Urological Association (AUA)'s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20-25, 2006, Abstract Book
Kenneth M.P. Carrico D.J. Ibrahim I.A. Killinger K.A. Estanol M.C. Graziottin A. Diokno A.C.
Women with interstitial cystitis have significantly more pelvic surgeries than controls
American Urological Association (AUA)'s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20-25, 2006, Abstract Book
Graziottin A.
Prevalence and evaluation of sexual health problems - Hypoactive sexual desire disorder in Europe
Symposium on "Sexual health and the menopause", 2006 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH), Lisbon, Portugal, March 9-12, 2006, Book of Abstracts, n. 3, 2006
Graziottin A.
New advances in phytoestrogens therapy
12th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Firenze, Italy, March 2-5, 2006, Book of Abstracts, Gynecological Endocrinology, Vol. 22, Suppl. 1, 2006, p. 11
Graziottin A.
Epidemiology of sexual function and dysfunction across the menopause
12th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Firenze, Italy, March 2-5, 2006, Book of Abstracts, Gynecological Endocrinology, Vol. 22, Suppl. 1, 2006, p. 99
Ippolito D. Donati Sarti C. Graziottin A. Baldi S. Becorpi A. Ottanelli S. Guidi M. Chiantera A. - Progetto Menopausa Italia Study Group
Menopause and sexuality: "Progetto Menopausa Italia Study Group". The "IperAogoi" study
12th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Firenze, Italy, March 2-5, 2006, Book of Abstracts, Gynecological Endocrinology, Vol. 22, Suppl. 1, 2006, p. 207
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