Commentaries for Physicians
Graziottin A.
Sistema cardiovascolare e salute femminile: inquadramento generale
Original article for physicians - First publication on
Sistema cardiovascolare e salute femminile: inquadramento generale
Original article for physicians - First publication on
Available documents:Full text of the article
Graziottin A.
Giovani immaturi nel sesso sicuro, promosso solo 1 su 10
Presentazione del sondaggio su “Giovani e comportamenti riproduttivi”, realizzato dalla Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia (SIGO), Roma, 30 giugno 2011
Giovani immaturi nel sesso sicuro, promosso solo 1 su 10
Presentazione del sondaggio su “Giovani e comportamenti riproduttivi”, realizzato dalla Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia (SIGO), Roma, 30 giugno 2011
Available documents:Full text of the abstract
Felis S. Graziottin A.
Chlamydia Trachomatis: quale prevenzione e trattamento? I rischi sottovalutati di un’infezione temibile – Sintesi commentata (Management of Chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infection: screening and treatment challenges)
"Science News" - Online reports on high impact scientific papers
Chlamydia Trachomatis: quale prevenzione e trattamento? I rischi sottovalutati di un’infezione temibile – Sintesi commentata (Management of Chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infection: screening and treatment challenges)
"Science News" - Online reports on high impact scientific papers
Related links:Read the full text on the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation website
Graziottin A.
Dieci buone ragioni per essere felici della terapia ormonale - Commento
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2011, pag. 17-24
Dieci buone ragioni per essere felici della terapia ormonale - Commento
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2011, pag. 17-24
Available documents:Full text of the article
Graziottin A.
Candida recidivante: un’emergenza in ginecologia
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2011, pag. 3-16
Candida recidivante: un’emergenza in ginecologia
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2011, pag. 3-16
Available documents:Full text of the article
Graziottin A.
Ginecologia della postmenopausa e terapie ormonali (Gynaecology of post menopause and hormonal therapies)
Text of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Ginecologia della postmenopausa e terapie ormonali (Gynaecology of post menopause and hormonal therapies)
Text of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Available documents:Full text of the lecture
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico: ruolo del mastocita e comorbilità (Chronic pelvic pain: role of mastcells and comorbidities)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Dolore pelvico cronico: ruolo del mastocita e comorbilità (Chronic pelvic pain: role of mastcells and comorbidities)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Available documents:Full text of the abstract
Graziottin A.
Artrosi: le cause ormonali di un disturbo banalizzato (Osteoarthritis: hormonal factors of a neglected pathology)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Artrosi: le cause ormonali di un disturbo banalizzato (Osteoarthritis: hormonal factors of a neglected pathology)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Available documents:Full text of the abstract
Graziottin A.
Il dolore durante i rapporti: cause e terapie (Dyspareunia: etiology and therapies)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Il dolore durante i rapporti: cause e terapie (Dyspareunia: etiology and therapies)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Available documents:Full text of the abstract
Graziottin A.
Papillomavirus: identikit, lesioni, terapia, vaccini (Papillomavirus: identikit, pathophysiology, therapy, vaccines)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Papillomavirus: identikit, lesioni, terapia, vaccini (Papillomavirus: identikit, pathophysiology, therapy, vaccines)
Abstract of the lecture presented at the CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Available documents:Full text of the abstract