Lectures: All

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Graziottin A.
Female sexual dysfunction and the menopause: new updates
45th Middle East Medical Assembly, Beirut, Republic of Lebanon, May 4-6, 2012
Graziottin A.
Sexual dysfunctions in women
2nd International Medical Congress on "Woman and Man. Reproductive and sexual health", Warsaw, Poland, April 13-14, 2012
Graziottin A.
Hormones behind pheromones: how to maintain sexual attraction in the aging couple?
2nd International Medical Congress on "Woman and Man. Reproductive and sexual health", Warsaw, Poland, April 13-14, 2012
Graziottin A.
Fisiopatologia della mestruazione, infiammazione e comorbilità associate (Pathophysiology of menstruation, inflammation and associated comorbidities)
State of the art lecture
Symposium on "The gynaecologist and the pain menstrual syndromes", organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women - Onlus" within the Regional Congress (Emilia Romagna) of the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AOGOI), the Territorial Gynaecologists Association (AGITE) and the Midwives National Federation (FNCO), Modena, Italy, March 29-31, 2012
Graziottin A.
Infezioni da Candida: fattori predisponenti, precipitanti e di mantenimento (Candidiasis: predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors)
Symposium on "Recurrent candidiasis and comorbidities", organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women - Onlus" within the Regional Congress (Emilia Romagna) of the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AOGOI), the Territorial Gynaecologists Association (AGITE) and the Midwives National Federation (FNCO), Modena, Italy, March 29-31, 2012
Graziottin A. Murina F.
Stili di vita, farmaci e modulazione di ecosistemi – Casi clinici (Lifestyles, drugs and ecosystem modulation - Clinical cases)
Symposium on "Recurrent candidiasis and comorbidities", organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women - Onlus" within the Regional Congress (Emilia Romagna) of the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AOGOI), the Territorial Gynaecologists Association (AGITE) and the Midwives National Federation (FNCO), Modena, Italy, March 29-31, 2012
Graziottin A.
Sessualità, corporeità e persona (Sexuality, corporeity and person)
CME Academic Master in Bioethics, Northern Italy Faculty of Theology - Department of Torino, Torino, Italy, March 24th, 2012
Graziottin A.
Dyspareunia and pelvic comorbidities: from epidemiology to pathophysiology
15th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, organized by the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Florence, Italy, March 7-10, 2012
Graziottin A.
Female sexual dysfunction
State of the art lecture
27th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU), Paris, France, February 24-28, 2012
Graziottin A.
Post-coital cystitis: effective tips and tricks to address it
2012 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH), Jerusalem, Israel, February 19-22, 2012
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