Lectures: All

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Graziottin A.
Le vulnerabilità mediche e sessuali nel giovane (Medical and sexual vulnerabilities in the young man)
National Meeting on "Andrology between science and ethics", Alghero (Sassari), Italy, April 1-2, 2011
Graziottin A.
I disturbi della sessualità possono essere trattati con terapie mediche? (Can sexual dysfunctions be treated with medical therapies?)
National Joint Congress of the Italian Society of Menopause (SIM) and the Italian Society of Phytotherapy and Dietary Supplements in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SIFIOG), Roma, Italy, March 31-April 2, 2011
Graziottin A.
Dialogo tra madre e figlia sulla contraccezione (Mother-daughter dialog on contraception)
National meeting on "Immigrant women and contraception: a denied right. The second generation", organized by the Italian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SIGO), Roma, Italy, March 30, 2011
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico: mastociti, e comorbilità somatiche e psichiche (Chronic Pelvic Pain: mastcells, and somatic and psychical comorbidities)
State of the art lecture
CME Course on "Chronic pelvic pain, vulvodynia, and associated comorbidities" - Co-directors: Prof. Alessandra Graziottin and Prof. Vincenzo Stanghellini - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women", within the Regional Congress (Emilia Romagna) of the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (AOGOI), the Territorial Gynaecologists Association (AGITE) and the Midwives National Federation (FNCO), Rimini, Italy, March 24, 2011
Graziottin A.
Endometriosi: mastocita e comorbilità (Endometriosis: mastcells and comorbidities)
National meeting of the European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) on "Endometriosis: from diagnosis to therapy and recovery", Abano Terme (PD), Italy, February 24-25, 2011
Graziottin A.
La sessualità nella coppia infertile (Sexuality in the infertile couple)
XXV Meeting of Reproductive Medicine, Abano Terme (PD), Italy, February 24-26, 2011
Graziottin A.
I giovani e le malattie sessualmente trasmesse (Young people and sexual trasmitted diseases)
Meeting with the students on "Sexual Trasmitted Diseases", organized by the Milano Health Assessorship and O.N.Da - National Observatory for Women's Health, Milano, Italy, February 22th, 2011
Graziottin A.
Estetrol: new perspectives for HRT in menopause and breast cancer patients
V Annual International Congress on Human Reproduction on "Family Reproductive Health", Moscow, Russia, January 18-21, 2011
Graziottin A.
Gluten and lactose intolerance: health and contraceptive issues
V Annual International Congress on Human Reproduction on "Family Reproductive Health", Moscow, Russia, January 18-21, 2011
Graziottin A.
HPV infection and psychosexual outcomes
V Annual International Congress on Human Reproduction on "Family Reproductive Health", Moscow, Russia, January 18-21, 2011
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