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Graziottin A.
Chronic pelvic pain and comorbidity at menopause: what is key for the gynecologist
13th World Congress on Menopause on "Menopause Renaissance in the Eternal City: preventive and therapeutic strategies for healthy aging", Organized by the International Menopause Society (IMS), Symposium on “Chronic pelvic pain: comorbidity and key factors during menopausal transition”, Roma, Italy, June 8-11, 2011
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico: ruolo del mastocita e comorbilità (Chronic pelvic pain: role of mastcells and comorbidities)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Graziottin A.
Ginecologia della postmenopausa e terapie ormonali (Gynaecology of post menopause and hormonal therapies)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Graziottin A.
Artrosi: le cause ormonali di un disturbo banalizzato (Osteoarthritis: hormonal factors of a neglected pathology)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, June 7, 2011
Graziottin A.
Dyspareunia, vaginismus and desire disorders
1st International Medical Congress on "Woman and Man. Reproductive and sexual health", Warsaw, Poland, June 3-4, 2011
Graziottin A.
Papillomavirus: identikit, lesioni, terapia, vaccini (Papillomavirus: identikit, pathophysiology, therapy, vaccines)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Graziottin A.
Candida: cause e principi di terapia nelle infezioni ricorrenti (Candida: etiology and therapy of recurrent infections)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Graziottin A.
Il dolore durante i rapporti: cause e terapie (Dyspareunia: etiology and therapies)
CME Course on "The pharmacist and the gynaecologist: a happy alliance for women's health", Guido Muralti Foundation, Milano, Italy, May 31, 2011
Graziottin A.
Introduzione e obiettivi del corso (Introduction and aims of the course)
Master Course of Sexual Medicine for Students of Psychology
University of Venezia and Salesian University (UPS) of Rome, Venezia, Italy, May 28-29, 2011
Graziottin A.
Le dimensioni della sessualità: identità sessuale, funzione sessuale, relazione di coppia (The dimensions of sexuality: sexual identity, sexual function, couple relationship)
Master Course of Sexual Medicine for Students of Psychology
University of Venezia and Salesian University (UPS) of Rome, Venezia, Italy, May 28-29, 2011
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