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Graziottin A.
Out of the shadow: how to manage the couple with premature ejaculation
12th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM), Satellite Symposium on "Premature ejaculation: from basic science to clinical practice, Lyon, France, November 15-18, 2009
Graziottin A.
La sessualità femminile in oncologia: dalla diagnosi alle opzioni terapeutiche (Female sexuality and oncology: from diagnosis to therapeutical strategies)
Meeting on "The quality and dignity of life in female oncology", Carpi (MO), Italy, November 13-14, 2009
Graziottin A.
Qlaira: the new contraceptive with natural estradiol
National Congress of the Slovenian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (SSOG), Portorož, Republika Slovenija, November 12, 2009
Graziottin A.
Vaccino HPV: il punto a due anni dall’introduzione (HPV vaccine: two years after the launch)
CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", Fifth Edition, School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, November 9, 2009
Graziottin A.
Le vaginiti ricorrenti nell’infanzia; la dismenorrea precoce; l’endometriosi; le irregolarità mestruali (Recurrent vaginitis in childhood; Early dysmenorrhoea; Endometriosis; Menstrual disorders)
CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", Fifth Edition, School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, November 9, 2009
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico e comorbilità: il razionale fisiopatologico per terapie integrate (Chronic pelvic pain and comorbidity: the pathophysiological rationale for integrated therapies)
State of the art lecture
CME course on "Chronic pelvic pain: differential diagnosis and new therapeutic approaches", Padova, Italy, November 7, 2009
Graziottin A.
Ormoni e sessualità (Hormones and sexuality)
Fourth CME Training Course on Reproductive Medicine on "The role of hormones in the sexual and reproductive health", organized by the Italian Society of Study of Reproduction Medicine (Sismer), Bologna, Italy, November 6-7, 2009
Graziottin A.
Esiste una terapia ormonale per i disturbi sessuali? (Sexual dysfunction: does a hormonal therapy exist?)
Fourth CME Training Course on Reproductive Medicine on "The role of hormones in the sexual and reproductive health", organized by the Italian Society of Study of Reproduction Medicine (Sismer), Bologna, Italy, November 6-7, 2009
Graziottin A.
Vaccino HPV: il punto a due anni dall’introduzione (HPV vaccine: two years after the launch)
CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", Fourth Edition, School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, November 4, 2009
Graziottin A.
Le vaginiti ricorrenti nell’infanzia; la dismenorrea precoce; l’endometriosi; le irregolarità mestruali (Recurrent vaginitis in childhood; Early dysmenorrhoea; Endometriosis; Menstrual disorders)
CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", Fourth Edition, School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, November 4, 2009
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