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Graziottin A.
How obesity affects menopause
Symposium on "Weight management: its key role in the treatment of menopause"
18th World Congress on Menopause, organized by the International Menopause Society (IMS), Lisbon, Portugal, October 26-29, 2022
Graziottin A.
Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and HMB
University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Graduate School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, October 24, 2022
Graziottin A.
Semeiotica e diagnosi (Semeiotics and diagnosis)
Seminar on "Abdominal and pelvic pain: internal medicine meets gynecology and urology", University of Bologna, Specialization Schools in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Urology, Psychiatry and Physiotherapy, October 24, 2022
Graziottin A.
Fisiopatologia e terapia (Pathophysiology and therapy)
Seminar on "Abdominal and pelvic pain: internal medicine meets gynecology and urology", University of Bologna, Specialization Schools in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Urology, Psychiatry and Physiotherapy, October 24, 2022
Graziottin A.
Sessualità e menopausa (Sexuality and menopause)
XXIV National Congress of the Associazione Ginecologi Consultoriali (AGICO) on "Polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic disorders of the menopause: two sides of the same coin?", Reggio Calabria, Italy, October 19-21, 2022
Graziottin A.
Deficit erettile: la donna nell’ombra. Quanto pesa la sindrome genitourinaria della menopausa? (Erectile deficit: the woman in the shadows. How important is the genitourinary syndrome of menopause?)
95th National Congress of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU), Riccione (RN), Italy, October 15-18, 2022
Graziottin A.
Eiaculazione precoce: i fattori predisponenti e precipitanti femminili (Premature ejaculation: female predisposing and precipitating factors)
95th National Congress of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU), Riccione (RN), Italy, October 15-18, 2022
Graziottin A.
Ormoni sessuali e feromoni: gli afrodisiaci perduti dopo la menopausa (Sex hormones and pheromones: the aphrodisiacs lost after menopause)
95th National Congress of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU), Riccione (RN), Italy, October 15-18, 2022
Graziottin A.
Identità sessuale femminile: i fattori critici nell’arco della vita (Female sexual identity: the critical factors in the lifelong)
Selva Meetings on Reproductive Medicine, 9th Edition, Selva di Fasano (Brindisi), Italy, October 15, 2022
Graziottin A.
Longevità in salute: stili di vita e strategie farmacologiche per l’età dell’oro (Longevity in health: lifestyles and pharmacological strategies for the golden age)
Selva Meetings on Reproductive Medicine, 9th Edition, Selva di Fasano (Brindisi), Italy, October 15, 2022
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