Graziottin A.
Sclerosi multipla e comorbilità sessuali nella donna: strategie di cura (Multiple sclerosis and sexual comorbidities in women: treatment strategies)
CME course on "Multidisciplinary approach to multiple sclerosis: experts in comparison", Third edition, Ragusa, Italy, October 8th, 2022
Sclerosi multipla e comorbilità sessuali nella donna: strategie di cura (Multiple sclerosis and sexual comorbidities in women: treatment strategies)
CME course on "Multidisciplinary approach to multiple sclerosis: experts in comparison", Third edition, Ragusa, Italy, October 8th, 2022
Graziottin A.
Quanto conta l’estetica dei genitali oggi? (How important is the aesthetics of the genitals today?)
Agorà 2022 - 24th International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 6-8, 2022
Quanto conta l’estetica dei genitali oggi? (How important is the aesthetics of the genitals today?)
Agorà 2022 - 24th International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 6-8, 2022
Graziottin A.
Anosmia persistente post Covid e impatto su sessualità e affettività (Persistent post Covid anosmia and impact on sexuality and affectivity)
VI National Congress of the Onda Foundation on "Territorial medicine from a gender perspective: the challenge of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)", on line event, September 28-29, 2022
Anosmia persistente post Covid e impatto su sessualità e affettività (Persistent post Covid anosmia and impact on sexuality and affectivity)
VI National Congress of the Onda Foundation on "Territorial medicine from a gender perspective: the challenge of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)", on line event, September 28-29, 2022
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico: diagnosi e strategie di cura (Chronic pelvic pain: diagnosis and treatment strategies)
CME Meeting on "We know it well: the invisible pain of women and the doctor-patient relationship", organized by European Gender Medicine (GEM), Bologna, Italia, September 21, 2022
Dolore pelvico cronico: diagnosi e strategie di cura (Chronic pelvic pain: diagnosis and treatment strategies)
CME Meeting on "We know it well: the invisible pain of women and the doctor-patient relationship", organized by European Gender Medicine (GEM), Bologna, Italia, September 21, 2022
Graziottin A.
Pubertà precoce (Precocious puberty)
9th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatricians (Simpe) on "What happened to you? Journey into childhood and adolescent distress after the pandemic", Napoli, Italy, September 15-18, 2022
Pubertà precoce (Precocious puberty)
9th National Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatricians (Simpe) on "What happened to you? Journey into childhood and adolescent distress after the pandemic", Napoli, Italy, September 15-18, 2022
Graziottin A.
Pain, inflammation and comorbidity in gynecology
Precocious puberty
University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Graduate School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, September 9, 2022
Pain, inflammation and comorbidity in gynecology
Precocious puberty
University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Graduate School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, September 9, 2022
Graziottin A.
Menstruation, inflammation and comorbidity
University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Graduate School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, July 8, 2022
Menstruation, inflammation and comorbidity
University of Verona, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Graduate School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, July 8, 2022
Graziottin A.
Sessualità e carcinoma mammario (Sexuality and breast cancer)
Seminar on "Evolver - Abemaciclib, designed to be different: the story goes on", Roma, Italy, July 6-7, 2022
Sessualità e carcinoma mammario (Sexuality and breast cancer)
Seminar on "Evolver - Abemaciclib, designed to be different: the story goes on", Roma, Italy, July 6-7, 2022
Graziottin A.
Covid e sessualità: sintomi olfattivi e crisi dell’intimità (Covid and sexuality: olfactory symptoms and crisis of intimacy)
CME Course on "Sound-Light and Medicine", Napoli, Italy, June 14, 2022
Covid e sessualità: sintomi olfattivi e crisi dell’intimità (Covid and sexuality: olfactory symptoms and crisis of intimacy)
CME Course on "Sound-Light and Medicine", Napoli, Italy, June 14, 2022
Graziottin A.
Terapia medica e integrazione nel dolore pelvico cronico (Medical therapy and integration in chronic pelvic pain)
Joint Congress ISDSP-EGOI of the International Society of Dietary Supplements and Phytotherapy (ISDSP) and the Experts Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research (EGOI) on "Alliance for women’s health: from scientific evidence to disclosure", Roma, Italy, June 10-11, 2022
Terapia medica e integrazione nel dolore pelvico cronico (Medical therapy and integration in chronic pelvic pain)
Joint Congress ISDSP-EGOI of the International Society of Dietary Supplements and Phytotherapy (ISDSP) and the Experts Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research (EGOI) on "Alliance for women’s health: from scientific evidence to disclosure", Roma, Italy, June 10-11, 2022