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Graziottin A.
Adolescenza e sessualità (Adolescence and sexuality)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
I dieci nemici della sessualità (The ten enemies of sexuality)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Disturbi sessuali caratterizzati da dolore e comorbilità: vestibolite vulvare/vulvodinia, cistiti, sindrome del colon irritabile, endometriosi (Sexual pain disorders and comorbidities: provoked vestibulodynia/vulvodynia, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico: neuroinfiammazione, depressione e sickness behaviour (Chronic pelvic pain: neuroinflammation, depression and sickness behaviour)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Disturbi dell’orgasmo (Orgasm disorders)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Ginecologia dell’adolescenza: implicazioni psicosessuali (Gynaecology of adolescence: psychosexual implications)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Disturbi del sonno e sessualità (Sleep disorders and sexuality)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
Impatto dei disturbi sessuali maschili sulla sessualità femminile (Male sexual dysfunctions: impact on female sexuality)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology, High School of Integrative Psychotherapy, Venezia, Italy, January 16-17, 2015
Graziottin A.
La sessualità e il tumore: dai limiti alle possibilità (Sexuality and cancer: from limits to opportunities)
CME Course on "Ovarian cancer: women listen", Cagliari, Italy, December 13, 2014
Graziottin A.
Pathogenic biofilms: leading contributors to recurrent vaginitis and cystitis
20th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI), Paris, France, December 4-7, 2014
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