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Graziottin A.
Fisiopatologia dell’eccitazione e del piacere sessuale nella donna (Pathophysiology of female arousal and sexual pleasure)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Disturbi sessuali caratterizzati da dolore nella donna (Female sexual pain disorders)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Sessualità dopo trapianto: opportunità di felicità (Sexuality after transplantation: opportunities of happiness)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Sessualità dopo tumori alla mammella (Sexuality after breast cancer)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Sessualità dopo tumori ginecologici (Sexuality after gynaecologic cancers)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Sessualità dopo tumori ematologici (Sexuality after hematologic cancers)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
A. Graziottin, S. Mengoli
Discussione plenaria (Plenary discussion)
CME Course in Sexual Medicine for paramedical professionals, organized by University of Bologna, Nursing Department, and Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Bologna, Italy, April 20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Problematiche sessuali nel paziente con sclerosi multipla e discussione (Sexual problems in patients with multiple sclerosis and discussion)
ISP 2013 - CME course on "Nurses in tune with patients" on "Clinical and emotional issues in the relationship with patients affected by multiple sclerosis", organized under the patronage of Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women Onlus, Roma, Italy, April 19-20, 2013
Graziottin A.
Mestruazioni: fisiopatologia e comorbilità (Menstruation: pathophysiology and comorbidities)
CME Course on "The future in contraception: freedom of choice", organized by the Hospital Center of Valtellina and Vachiavenna, Sondrio, Italy, April 17, 2013
Graziottin A.
Evoluzione in contraccezione: dall’etinilestradiolo all’estradiolo, e la sessualità (Evolution in contraception: from ethinylestradiol to estradiol, and sexuality)
CME Course on "The future in contraception: freedom of choice", organized by the Hospital Center of Valtellina and Vachiavenna, Sondrio, Italy, April 17, 2013
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