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Graziottin A.
Arousal disorders: what is relevant for the urologist
5th Masterclass on "Female and functional reconstructive urology", European School of Urology (ESU) - European Association of Urology (EAU), Berlin (Germany), November 9-11, 2012
Graziottin A.
Orgasmic disorders and their urological comorbidities
5th Masterclass on "Female and functional reconstructive urology", European School of Urology (ESU) - European Association of Urology (EAU), Berlin (Germany), November 9-11, 2012
Graziottin A.
Sexual pain disorders: dyspareunia and vaginismus. Practical approach
5th Masterclass on "Female and functional reconstructive urology", European School of Urology (ESU) - European Association of Urology (EAU), Berlin (Germany), November 9-11, 2012
Graziottin A.
Post coital cystitis: the winning therapeutic strategy
5th Masterclass on "Female and functional reconstructive urology", European School of Urology (ESU) - European Association of Urology (EAU), Berlin (Germany), November 9-11, 2012
Graziottin A.
Plenary discussion and take-home messages
5th Masterclass on "Female and functional reconstructive urology", European School of Urology (ESU) - European Association of Urology (EAU), Berlin (Germany), November 9-11, 2012
Graziottin A.
When SHE says: thank you! Women's sexuality after ED treatment
Mens' Healthcare Symposium, Weimar (Germany), November 8-10, 2012
Graziottin A.
Vaginisme et dysparéunie: prise en charge
2012 Congrès National de la Société Tunisienne de Gynécologie Obstétrique (STGO), Symposium sur "Sexualité de la femme et ses troubles: le role du gynècologue", Tunis, République tunisienne, 1-3 novembre 2012
Graziottin A.
Troubles du désir
2012 Congrès National de la Société Tunisienne de Gynécologie Obstétrique (STGO), Symposium sur "Sexualité de la femme et ses troubles: le role du gynècologue", Tunis, République tunisienne, 1-3 novembre 2012
Graziottin A.
La sessualità nel paziente oncologico maschio (Sexuality in the male oncologic patient)
XIV National Congress of Medical Oncology (Session on "Therapeutic education and oncologic nursing"), organized by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, Roma, Italy, October 27-28, 2012
Graziottin A.
Introduzione e obiettivi del corso (Introduction and aims of the course)
Master Course on "Human Sexuality" for Students of Psychology
High School of Integrative Psychotherapy
Venezia, Italy, October 20-21, 2012
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