Press Meetings
Graziottin A.
Dolore vulvare: il grande sconosciuto (Vulvar pain: the great unknown)
Press meeting on "Vulvodynia: is it possible to heal?!", organized under the aegis of the Academy of Public Health, Roma, Italy, January 16, 2024
Dolore vulvare: il grande sconosciuto (Vulvar pain: the great unknown)
Press meeting on "Vulvodynia: is it possible to heal?!", organized under the aegis of the Academy of Public Health, Roma, Italy, January 16, 2024
Graziottin A.
Il film della PCOS: storia naturale e fattori di vulnerabilità (The PCOS movie: natural history and vulnerability factors)
Press Conference "The Colosseum lights up for PCOS", EGOI Association - The Expert Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research, Roma, Italy, September 1st, 2023
Il film della PCOS: storia naturale e fattori di vulnerabilità (The PCOS movie: natural history and vulnerability factors)
Press Conference "The Colosseum lights up for PCOS", EGOI Association - The Expert Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research, Roma, Italy, September 1st, 2023
Minelli M. Graziottin A.
Chronic pelvic pain in women and related diseases: Vulvodynia - Interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome - Endometriosis - Irritable bowel syndrome
Biomedical Report - Facebook Live by Adnkronos, November 6, 2020
Chronic pelvic pain in women and related diseases: Vulvodynia - Interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome - Endometriosis - Irritable bowel syndrome
Biomedical Report - Facebook Live by Adnkronos, November 6, 2020
Igiene intima: Cenerentola o Principessa dell'intimità? (Intimate hygiene: Cinderella or Princess of intimacy?)
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
Scienza dell'igiene intima: i segreti del timolo e dei suoi alleati (Science of intimate hygiene: the secrets of thymol and its allies)
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
L'ecosistema vulvare: le tre fasi della vita della donna, dalla pubertà in poi. Identikit dei bisogni emergenti (The vulvar ecosystem: the three phases of a woman's life, from puberty onwards. Identikit of emerging needs)
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
Press meeting on "A very intimate question: the voice of women and sector professionals", Milano, Italy, June 25, 2019
I benefici della camminata per le donne in gravidanza (The benefits of walking for pregnant women)
Press meeting on the "Walking Day", Milano, Italy, October 11, 2018
Press meeting on the "Walking Day", Milano, Italy, October 11, 2018
Eiaculazione precoce: definizione, diagnosi, cause, prevalenza, opzioni terapeutiche (Premature ejaculation: definition, diagnosis, etiology, prevalence, therapeutic options)
Press conference on "A new drug against premature ejaculation is available in Italy", Milano, Italy, February 21, 2018
Press conference on "A new drug against premature ejaculation is available in Italy", Milano, Italy, February 21, 2018
Press conference on "The power of sleep on the wellness"
Milano, Italy, June 27, 2017
Milano, Italy, June 27, 2017
Damilano M. Graziottin A.
Press conference on "Fitwalking in the pregnancy"
Milano, Italy, May 17, 2017
Press conference on "Fitwalking in the pregnancy"
Milano, Italy, May 17, 2017