Abstract congressuali

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Graziottin A. Koochaki P.E.
Self-reported sexual complaints of women in four European countries across the lifespan
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S47, 2004
Graziottin A.
Vaginal ERT after breast cancer
5th International Symposium on Women’s Health and Menopause, Florence, Italy, April 21-24, 2004, Abstract Book: 17, 2004
Graziottin A. Dennerstein L. Koochaki P.E. Rodenberg C.
Menopause, Surgical Menopause and Sexual Functioning
5th International Symposium on Women’s Health and Menopause, Florence, Italy, April 21-24, 2004, Abstract Book: 17, 2004
Graziottin A. Koochaki P.E.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire in Menopausal Women in Europe
5th International Symposium on Women’s Health and Menopause, Florence, Italy, April 21-24, 2004, Abstract Book: 45, 2004
Graziottin A.
Female Sexual Dysfunction
XIXth Congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU), Wien, Austria, March 24-27, 2004, Programme Book: 251, 2004
Graziottin A.
Progestins in HRT: how to share the choice with the woman
11th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Florence, Italy, February 26-29, 2004, Gynecological Endocrinology, Parthenon Publishing, V18, S1: 140, 2004
Graziottin A.
Hypoactive sexual desire in menopausal women in Europe
11th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Florence, Italy, February 26-29, 2004, Gynecological Endocrinology, Parthenon Publishing, V18, S1: 145, 2004
Graziottin A.
Vaginal and vulvar ecosystems and pH: new strategic approaches
11th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Florence, Italy, February 26-29, 2004, Gynecological Endocrinology, Parthenon Publishing, V18, S1: 167, 2004
Graziottin A.
Short and long term sexual consequences of sexual abuse in infanthood
Abstract Book, 8th World Congress for Infectious and Immunological Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Venezia, Italy, November, 8-11, 2003 - Omnia, Roma, Italy, p. 67, 2003
Graziottin A. Koochaki P.E.
Female Sexuality Across the Lifespan in Europe
Abstract Book, ISSWSH Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 16-19, 2003, p. 53-55
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