Abstract congressuali

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Graziottin A.
Therapy of post implant dissatisfied patients
Abstracts of the VI World Meeting on Impotence, Singapore, September 12-16 1994 - International Journal of Impotence Research, 6, S.1: D128, 1994
Graziottin A.
The pelvic floor syndrome: the bio-sexological aspects
Abstract Book, Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5 1994 - Ellids Kristensen, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract no. 13, 1994
Graziottin A.
Integrated therapy of functional venous leakage
Abstract Book, Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5 1994 - Ellids Kristensen, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract no. 29, 1994
Graziottin A.
Transfert and countertransfert as shown by the cinema: myth and reality about abstinence and pulsional drives
Abstract Book, Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5 1994 - Ellids Kristensen, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract no. 65, 1994
Graziottin A. Scopesi A. Rogantin M.P.
Infertility: psycosexual roots of the conceptive drive
Abstract Book, Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5 1994 - Ellids Kristensen, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract no. 90, 1994
Graziottin A.
Sexuological semeiotics in gynecology
Abstract Book, Workshop of the European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation "Growth and Differentiation in Reproductive Organs", Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 6-12, 1994, p. 73, 1994
Graziottin A.
Vaginismus and dyspareunia
Abstract Book, Third European Winter Conference in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Gynecological Endocrinology, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 3-10, 1991 - Gynecological Endocrinology, 5, S.1: 61, 1991
Graziottin A.
Sex education and AIDS risk: facing the ambivalence
Abstract Book, First International Symposium on AIDS and Reproduction, Genova, Italy, December 12-15, 1990, p. 17, 1990
Calcagno T. Cristoforoni P. Gotta C. Picardi L. Stagno P. Graziottin A.
Life hopes and death anguish in HIV positive pregnant women
Abstract Book, First International Symposium on AIDS and Reproduction, Genova, Italy, December 12-15, 1990, p. 7, 1990
Cristoforoni P. Graziottin A. Melica F.
Reproductive behaviour and pregnancy outcome in 74 HIV positive women: a psychological approach
Abstract Book, First International Symposium on AIDS and Reproduction. Genova, Italy, December 12-15, 1990, p. 7, 1990
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