Abstract congressuali
Graziottin A.
Bienestar sexual: de la fisiopatologia a la opcion terapeutica
IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Climaterio y Menopausa FLASCYM 2004 y III Congreso Chileno de Climaterio, Santiago del Chile, October 31 - November 4, 2004, Abstracts Book
Bienestar sexual: de la fisiopatologia a la opcion terapeutica
IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Climaterio y Menopausa FLASCYM 2004 y III Congreso Chileno de Climaterio, Santiago del Chile, October 31 - November 4, 2004, Abstracts Book
Graziottin A.
Is there enough evidence for the pharmacologic treatment of FSD?
11th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 17-21, 2004, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, V1, S1:23, 2004
Is there enough evidence for the pharmacologic treatment of FSD?
11th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 17-21, 2004, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, V1, S1:23, 2004
Graziottin A.
Women’s Health After WHI – The Patient After WHI
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 30
Women’s Health After WHI – The Patient After WHI
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 30
Graziottin A.
Urogenital and Sexual Comorbidities in the Postmenopause
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 46
Urogenital and Sexual Comorbidities in the Postmenopause
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 46
Graziottin A.
Recognizing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – Defining the Population
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 52
Recognizing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – Defining the Population
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 52
Graziottin A.
Quality of life – Hypoactive sexual desire in menopausal women in Europe
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 121
Quality of life – Hypoactive sexual desire in menopausal women in Europe
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 121
Aversa A. Isidori A.M. Gianfrilli D. Greco E.A. Graziottin A. Zizzo G. Lenzi A. Fabbri A.
Gli uomini con Disfunzione Erettile sono a conoscenza della propria condizione? Risultati di uno studio retrospettivo basato sui dati di un call-center italiano
Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale delle Sezioni Regionali della Società Italiana di Andrologia (SIA), Trieste, 23-26 settembre 2004, Giornale Italiano di Andrologia, 2004, 11: 158
Gli uomini con Disfunzione Erettile sono a conoscenza della propria condizione? Risultati di uno studio retrospettivo basato sui dati di un call-center italiano
Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale delle Sezioni Regionali della Società Italiana di Andrologia (SIA), Trieste, 23-26 settembre 2004, Giornale Italiano di Andrologia, 2004, 11: 158
Graziottin A. Dennerstein L. Lehert P.
European studies of female sexual functioning
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, Book of Abstracts of the XIV International Congress of ISPOG, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 16-19, 2004, Parthenon Publishing, London, V25, S1: 69, 2004
European studies of female sexual functioning
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, Book of Abstracts of the XIV International Congress of ISPOG, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 16-19, 2004, Parthenon Publishing, London, V25, S1: 69, 2004
Graziottin A.
Sexual intimacy and the overactive bladder
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S13, 2004
Sexual intimacy and the overactive bladder
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S13, 2004
Graziottin A.
Sexuality after gynaecologic cancers
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S24, 2004
Sexuality after gynaecologic cancers
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S24, 2004