Arthralgias, bodily aches and pains and somatic complaints in midlife women


Arthralgias, bodily aches and pains and somatic complaints in midlife women: etiology, pathophysiology and differential diagnosis
Expert Rev. Neurotherapeutics, 2007 Nov; 7 (11 Suppl): S15-26
Somatic symptoms characterized by arthralgias, bodily aches and pains, musculoskeletal pain and joint pain have been investigated in a number of menopause and depression studies. Although depression is one of the most common causes of bodily aches and pains, and arthralgias, these same symptoms are also commonly associated with a natural menopause, surgical menopause and menopause induced by chemotherapy in breast cancer treatment.

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Parole chiave:
Artralgia Chemioterapia Depressione Diagnosi differenziale Dolore articolare Estrogeni Fattori biologici Fisiopatologia Ginecologia Menopausa / Premenopausa Menopausa precoce iatrogena Ormoni sessuali Progesterone / Progestinici Salute femminile Testosterone

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