Correlates of sexual functioning in Italian menopausal women


Correlates of sexual functioning in Italian menopausal women
Climacteric. 2010 Oct; 13 (5): 447-56
This a preprint of an article submitted for consideration in Climacteric @ 2010 - Taylor & Francis.
Climacteric is available online at Informa HealthCare.
Open URL of the article: Informa HealtCare - DOI.

Introduction: Life stressors, quality of past sexuality and mental health are significant predictors of sexual interest in midlife women, but menopausal transition seems to play an independent role on the changes in sex life. It has been also suggested that hormone therapy (HT) users experience sexual dysfunctions less frequently.
Aim: To analyze data on sexuality in menopause in women attending menopause clinics in Italy.
Results: Women who answered at least one question about sexuality were 2334 (96.1%) out of 2428. Low intercourse frequency was associated with increasing age. Transdermal HT users and women with higher mental health score had a lower risk. The main determinant of postmenopausal intercourse frequency was the frequency during the fertile age. Age was a risk factor; HT use, increasing mental and physical scores, and prior sexual function were positively associated with better postmenopausal function.

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