Female sexual dysfunction: clinical approach


Female sexual dysfunction: clinical approach
8th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN), in conjunction with the 22nd Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Berlin, Germany, March 21-24, 2007, Abstract Book, p. 46-51
Nurses have an increasing role in the health care system worldwide. Besides their competence, their availability to listen – verbally and non verbally – to patients, to their fears and concerns, give them the opportunity to become primary confidents of the many issues and questions diseases raise in the domain of quality of life and sexuality. To train nurses in sexual medicine may significantly improve their competence in addressing critical sexual concerns, more frequent in the specialty of urology and gynecology, and increase the quality of support the health system can offer to patients.

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Parole chiave:
Comorbilità Desiderio sessuale Diagnosi differenziale Dispareunia femminile / Dolore ai rapporti Disturbi del desiderio Disturbi dell'eccitazione Disturbi dell'orgasmo Disturbi sessuali femminili Disturbo del desiderio sessuale ipoattivo (HSDD) Eccitazione Infermieri/e Orgasmo Riabilitazione uro-ginecologica Terapia farmacologica Terapia ormonale Vaginismo

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