Here the issue of subjectivity and difficulty in determining normal from abnormal behaviour is an intrinsic problem that the provider faces. In this article we attempt to provide some historical background for conceptualizing hyperactive sexual desire, suggest etiological factors, and propose a clinical framework that would guide management of this difficult condition.
Hyperactive sexual desire in women: myth or reality?
Graziottin A. Brotto L.A.
Hyperactive sexual desire in women: myth or reality?
Graziottin A. (Guest Ed.), Female Sexual Dysfunction: Clinical Approach
Urodinamica, 14 (2): 84-88, 2004
Here the issue of subjectivity and difficulty in determining normal from abnormal behaviour is an intrinsic problem that the provider faces. In this article we attempt to provide some historical background for conceptualizing hyperactive sexual desire, suggest etiological factors, and propose a clinical framework that would guide management of this difficult condition.
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Parole chiave:
Disturbi del desiderio
Disturbi sessuali femminili
Disturbo del desiderio sessuale ipoattivo (HSDD)
Fattori biologici
Fattori psicosessuali
Fattori relazionali
Sessuologia medica