Psychological, social, and behavioural benefits for men following effective erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment: men who enjoy better sex experience improved psychological well-being


Psychological, social, and behavioural benefits for men following effective erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment: men who enjoy better sex experience improved psychological well-being
European Urology Supplements 5 (2006) 773–778
Effective diagnosis and treatment of ED have many benefits for a man beyond improving his erectile function.
Any consultation about ED provides the opportunity to offer general health information and to identify occult organic disease, or the progression of a previously existing condition in a population of patients who are notoriously reluctant to seek medical help for their health concerns.
Successful treatment of ED may improve men’s sexual self-confidence, self-esteem, and psychological wellbeing, and, in turn, contribute to an improvement in their relationship with their partner—leading ultimately to better sex.

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