Recurrent cystitis after intercourse: why the gynaecologist has a say


Recurrent cystitis after intercourse: why the gynaecologist has a say
in: Studd J. Seang L.T. Chervenak F.A. (Eds), Current Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. 2, Suketu P. Kothari - TreeLife Media, Mumbai, India, 2014, p. 319-336
Recurrent urinary tract infections (R-UTIs), and specifically post-coital cystitis (PCC), are becoming a clinical challenge, increasingly relevant in terms of women’s suffering, couple problems and social costs: quantifiable, in terms of out-patients visits, exams, antibiotics, loss of work-days and non-quantifiable, in terms of distress, suffering, sexual and relational problems.
Listening to women’s wording, asking proper questions, carefully examining the vulva, the pelvic floor, the vagina, will increase the diagnostic accuracy, the appropriate reading of comorbidities and the design of a personalised treatment protocol.
The gynaecologist may help women in preventing R-UTIs, by diagnosing and addressing the many factors he/she is familiar with by training that are not usually considered in the urological approach. A close collaboration between urologists and gynaecologist is helpful in reducing R-UTIs in women.

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Parole chiave:
Cistite interstiziale Cistite post-coitale Cistite recidivante Dispareunia femminile / Dolore ai rapporti Dolore pelvico cronico Mastociti Sindrome dell'intestino irritabile Sindrome della vescica dolorosa Vestibolite vulvare / Vestibolodinia provocata / Vulvodinia

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