Breast cancer and its effects on women's self-image and sexual function


Breast cancer and its effects on women’s self-image and sexual function
in: Goldstein I. Meston C. Davis S. Traish A. (Eds), Women's Sexual Function and Dysfunction: Study, Diagnosis and Treatment, Taylor and Francis, London, UK, 2006, p. 276-281
Body image is a concept cited extensively in the literature. It may be defined as a multifactorial mental construct, dynamically reshaped throughout life, and rooted both in the biologic and psychologic domain.
This chapter will discuss the impact of breast cancer on women’s sexuality with respect to body image by:
1) describing biologic and psychosocial contributions;
2) reviewing the key literature on the impact of breast cancer on body image and sexuality in cancer patients;
3) focusing on factors and coping strategies that may improve body image of cancer survivors after treatment;
4) considering the impact on body image of genetic screening and prophylactic mastectomy for women at high risk of breast cancer.

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