Cross-cultural differences in women's sexuality and their perception and impact of premature ejaculation


Cross-cultural differences in women's sexuality and their perception and impact of premature ejaculation
Urology. 2015 Jan; 85 (1): 118-24. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.09.037.
Prevalences of sexual problems show considerable variation across populations. Comparison of cultural perceptions of what constitutes a problem can provide us with additional information on phenomenology and definitory validity of such problems.
The aim of the present study was to assess the cross-cultural differences in women´s perception of premature ejaculation (PE).
A total of n=1463 women from three different countries – Mexico, South Korea, and Italy – and reporting being in a relationship with a man who suffers from PE were included in the study. A set of self-constructed questions and questions taken from validated and standardized instruments were used to assess the variables of interest.

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