Tentative pregnancies and mother-child' attachment


Tentative pregnancies and mother-child’ attachment
Comment to the lecture presented at the 13th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Venezia, Italy, March 5-8, 2009

Mother-child attachment dynamics begin long before delivery. The “psychic womb” is as important as the biological one. It has a parallel “gestational phase” that may begin even before pregnancy, when women dream about the child to come, more so when conception is delayed by infertility issues. Prenatal attachment is defined by the range of behaviours of interaction and of affective involvement that the mother act towards the child during pregnancy. Unfortunately, awareness and attention to this critical phase of the motherhood process are still scant in the medical setting, more focused on the biological side of prenatal care and prenatal diagnostic exams.

Aim of the presentation

To briefly review the key aspects of the prenatal attachment and evaluate the type and role of potential disruptors.


Review of the literature and a questionnaire administered to pregnant women who underwent prenatal testing and controls who did not.

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