The dark side of a woman's journey, with focus on sex and well-being


The dark side of a woman's journey, with focus on sex and wellbeing
Symposium on "A woman’s journey through the three phases of a woman's life: fertile period, climacteric, postmenopause", 6th Amsterdam Menopause and Women's Health Symposium, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), September 26-28, 2010, Abstract book, p. 95-96
This provocative presentation focuses on a few frequent diagnostic omissions that turn into iatrogenic factors affecting women’s lives. In positive, awareness of the current neglects may empower physicians in becoming more proactive health promoters and real advocates of a better women’s health and quality of life.

Allegati disponibili:Full text dell'abstract

Parole chiave:
Abuso sessuale Alcol / Alcolismo Carcinoma mammario Dispareunia femminile / Dolore ai rapporti Dolore pelvico cronico Fattori iatrogeni Ginecologia Gravidanza Malattie sessualmente trasmesse Omissione diagnostica Salute femminile Sindrome dell'intestino irritabile

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