Urogenital atrophy: advantages of local administration of estrogens


Urogenital atrophy: advantages of local administration of estrogens
Abstracts of the 13th World Congress on the Menopause, Roma, Italy, June 8-11, 2011, Climacteric, vol. 14, suppl. 1, June 2011, p. 216
Urogenital aging is a multisystemic process, involving all the components of genital tissues, leading to microscopic and macroscopic anatomic changes. Functional consequences of urogenital aging affect vaginal ecosystems, sexual and bladder function, the tonus and competence of the levator ani, the anatomic relationships of genital organs, predisposing/precipitating genital (uterine/vaginal) prolapse. Genital aging becomes relevant after the menopause, for the precipitating effect of estrogen loss. Estrogens are the etiological answer to vaginal aging: however concern about systemic absorption prevents many physician from prescription.

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